منوعات من المواضيع الرائعة والمقالات الشيقة بالصور

كلمات اغنية lady , من اجمل الاغاني التي حصلت علي اعجاب الملايين

كلمات اغنية Lady ، من اجمل الاغاني التي حصلت علي اعجاب الملايين 17032 1

توجد العديد من الاغاني الاجنبية الرائعة ومن اجمل تلك الاغاني ما يلي :


كيني روجرز


I’m your knight in shining armor and I love you
You have made me what I am and I am yours


My love
There’s so many ways I want to say I love you


Let me hold you in my arms for ever more
You have gone and made me such a fool


I’m so lost in your love
And oh, we belong together


Won’t you believe in my song?



For so many years, I thought I’d never find you
You have come into my life and made me whole



Forever, let me wake to see you each and every morning


Let me hear you whisper softly in my ear
In my eyes, I see no one else but you



There’s no other love like our love
And yes, oh yes, I’ll always want you near me


I’ve waited for you for so long


Your love’s the only love I need
And beside me is where I want you to be



‘Cause my love
There’s somethin’ I want you to know


You’re the love of my life
You’re my lady


كلمة اغنية lady


كلمات اغنية Lady ، من اجمل الاغاني التي حصلت علي اعجاب الملايين 17032

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